Insurance issues.


It’s just over a week till we head back to Spain and this year it’s slightly different as we are flying from Bristol Airport to Murcia, then catching Exclusive Shuttles from Murcia to Mojacar.

Usually we drive down to Spain using Brittany Ferries so this will be a whole new experience for us.

We have to take a month’s supplies in two suitcases that weigh 46 Kilos in total.

This is already sending Jaki insane.

Usually we take all our own bedding, including pillows and mattress covers but that won’t be possible this year. We thought we would just buy everything on Amazon and get it delivered to Sue and Terry who live in Mojacar.

But when I suggested that to Sue, she wouldn’t hear of it and said she had enough bedding to lend us. I did think there might be a problem at the end when we had to strip the beds and wash the bedding before returning it but she suggested we just: “Dump it over her garden gate” on the morning we leave and she will sort it out.

It will cost us the price of a really nice meal, but it will be a cheaper option.

This is the advantage of having friends who live in a resort.

Jaki still has her arm in Plaster but has an appointment at the Hospital on Wednesday where they intend to ‘Split the Cast’ which apparently will make it easier when we fly. But I don’t know how?

Jaki phoned Easy Jet and told them she had her arm in plaster but they didn’t think it would be a problem. Lets hope that doesn’t change when we get to the boarding gate.

We also had to tell the insurance Company that we booked our Holiday Insurance with and they very kindly added £120 to our premium.

I did look at insurance for our trip to Thailand next January but that came in at some thing like £1300 for SAGA and even worse on some other site I visited.

So, I will leave the insurance for that trip and try to get a quote later when Jaki’s arm is back to normal.

There is a risk and Martin Lewis (Money) would have a fit but I can’t think how else to do it

Insurance is becoming more and more expensive and as you get older they tend to put the premiums up. I have ‘Pre Existing Conditions’ so I have to notify the insurers of these conditions every time.

“Do you have High Blood pressure”?

Of course I do, I’m 71 years old and I’ve lived with a Tory Government for 14 years. What else would you expect.

“Do you have High Cholesterol”?

Bloody hell, I was a Fire fighter for 26 years.

I ate two ‘Cheese on’s’ twice a week for 26 years that’s 5408 cheese ons. That’s 96.57 Stone of Cheese!

“Do you have an enlarged Prostate”?

Well, hell yes.

“Do you have any other Illnesses we may be interested in”?

No not really.

Well, I have Arthritis in my feet, knees hips, shoulder, neck and thumbs. I have SVT which makes my heart rhythm go out of kilter, I have three Hernias. Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). I suffer from Vertigo, I have the start of Cataracts and my eye sight is degenerating.

But on the whole I’d say I’m fit as a flea!

On this basis, no one over the age of 21 would ever get insurance to go farther than Weston Super Mare.

I stored all the Holiday information in a files on my laptop but when I went to retrieve it this week, it had be all disappeared and despite my best effort, I’m unable to find it. So I will have to start again.

But that’s not the only IT disaster Ive experienced this week. All my Photos fromMadrid have vanished. they were in a file called Madrid 2024 which has vanished completely.

All is not lost. They are still on my I phone.

So now I have had to retrieve them from my phones junk file which means they are all over sized, and unlabelled. the hours I spent labelling them accurately every day to make them easy to retrieve was wasted!

I have at last started packing but I seem to only be able to find Odd socks. All the new summer socks I bought pre Madrid have become widowed and I can only find one of each.

That’s why I liked the Fire Brigade. We were given 8 pairs of black socks each year. Never any need to keep them in pairs!

Pants seem to have vanished too. Is there a burglar that sneaks into peoples houses, ignoring the family jewels and steals odd socks and old underpants?

We probably won’t Bowl much this year, It got quite expensive but we will still need to take white shorts, suitable shoes and a White top ( rules is rules) just for the odd game.

Jaki has been reading out the weather forecast to me at least three times a day and seems to be delighted with the news that the temperature in the first 10 days won’t rise above freezing.

Soon I will have to start packing in Ernest.

Drugs will have to go in, Fire stick and all the various IT devices. adapters and chargers are a must but I think I will take my old Mac book Air which is a much lighter laptop than my new Mac book Pro, though I have bought a carrying case for it, if I decide to take it last minute.

Ive been trying to get my Phone to mirror to the laptop or TV so I can down load stuff on Prime to watch but as yet that hasn’t been a success.

I have agreed to foster out my Tomato plant seedlings to various people I made contact with on a FB site for gardeners, in the hope they will survive. So I have to deliver them to their new Mums and Dads at the weekend.

So there is still plenty to do and no time to do it.

Ill keep you posted

NB: found this just after I posted this blog.–hQdPeo22QjzC-FSfIJBdu88noY4_aem_AfOHQ9xwr8gaT5Co6jPgjw4kvqM6WqbIzpoo5TcSzxTWlpV06ju8GoP5azqs9q13E-BFQPqP-VgmQs_uWOclN2XK

One minute read about the cost of private health insurance:

In  2024, our private healthcare experts researched the average price people typically pay for a new health insurance policy.

  • Our independent research found that the average cost of private health insurance in 2024 is £90.03 per month (or £1,080.36 per year)
  • The average includes all age groups, and therefore, alongside other variables, it’s unlikely this will be the cost of your policy
  • If you’re looking for ways to reduce the cost of your health insurance, it pays to speak to a broker about things like increasing your excess or reducing your outpatient cover
  • If you want to understand how each of the leading providers stack up against one other, read our guide to the best health insurance in the UK

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